Tokens And Dapps Of The X DAO

A brief overview of the tokens and dapps we are developing…

3 min readOct 1, 2021
Kim Sun AKA “Sunny”

There are 2 different tokens for the X DAO and a coin in development. There are also a series of dapps we are working on which will become the first to be governed by the X DAO token. We have written this article to help explain what each of them does and how they relate to one and other. Full details on everything X DAO can be found at


Hertz is the farming/utility token created by the X DAO.

You can purchase Hertz here

The inflation of Hertz is high at first to allow early supporters of our Dapps be rewarded for the risk they are taking. Inflation as a percentage of total supply will flatten over time, but this flattening will be accelerated by additional use cases and if the community votes to reduce the number of tokens generated per block. Full Info

Contract address: 0x68F7880F7af43a81bEf25E2aE83802Eb6c2DdBFD

The XDAO token is the governance token of the X DAO project.

You can earn XDAO for free here

XDAO can also be earned in the Agency and represents your reputation in the community. By only distributing the X DAO token through these decentralized methods, having the tokens decay over time, having no private sales, etc. we are creating a DAO in which the most control is given to the people continuously contributing to it. Full Info

X is a new currency being designed by the X DAO using a new type of distributed ledger consensus mechanism.

You can read about the X consensus protocol here

This distributed ledger allows for a greater number of nodes to participate in consensus, creating the opportunity for a more decentralized currency. Combined with it’s even distribution in our Communities social media app, it will be the most decentralized and fairest currency ever created.



A Cyberspace themed decentralized exchange, with an ever-increasing number of features. Trades (and other features such as the lottery) on Cyberswap will burn Hertz tokens permanently.

Market of Zion

A Cyberpunk themed decentralized art marketplace, which will host auctions of our story content upon it’s release. Every piece of the storyline on our lore page will also be an NFT for sale. NFT characters designs can be submitted in contests to enter your persona into the official lore.

The Agency

A Cyberpunk themed decentralized jobs platform that enables the X DAO to be truly immutable by decentralizing ongoing development away from a single foundation. It will also be useful to developers wishing to outsource work or maintenance of smart contracts.

X Starter

A crowdfunding platform for decentralized projects that will use the X DAO token for governance. Hertz token holders will have VIP access to all sales of new utility tokens on the platform.


A Cypherpunk style social media dapp, focusing on restoring the privacy of it’s users and restricting access to their information even from the controllers of the platform. Using the dapp, communities will be able to form their own local DAO with features such as local currencies, security reports, self governance, and more!

Join our Discord or Telegram to learn more!




A new approach to coin/token distributions compared to the ponzi/trickle down economics of BTC/USD/GOLD